
Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Vallam is a container wider in appearance of about 3 feet in diameter and about one foot in height. Normally it is made using braided coconut leaves or medium quality bamboo split and made thin and braided loosely. The top holder will be strong. Vallam is carried keeping on head holding the top with both hands.

It is used to keep or carry very light weight items like grass, fodder etc. Normally those who domesticate cows keep vallum to give grass to cows. Grass is also collected in vallam. Rather than giving loosely giving in a container.

Vallam is considered as a measure of grass fed to cows. For calves there will be small vallams. Fodder will not be lost. Probably the cows may also feel it as a measure for consuming.

On those days grass was collected by house holds together from the compound and filled in the vallam. Sugar cane leaves, plantain cut leaves were all offered in vallam making it as a measure.

Vallam is also used for keeping and collecting flowers. Normally variar family may keep vallam to store flowers for different occasions.. Thin bamboo braided baskets some what similar to vallam differed in appearance- Basket used to be conical with less circumference at bottom. They were strengthier and used to distribute pappadam in feasts. On those days mud pots were carried in such baskets.

There is a place by name vallam in Tamilnadu in Tanjavur district. A number of Engineering colleges are there.

There is a place by name Tiruvallam near Trivandrum is famous for the Parasurama temple and for vavubali.

Vallam can be seen in villages still keeping flowers during onam season and in houses where cow housing (Erutthu) is there