
Monday, August 27, 2018

How to Bypass Dropbox Automatic Synching Order

How to Bypass Dropbox Automatic Synching Order

I recently switched to Dropbox for my backup storage. It was a big decision, since I have fifteen years worth of files. Literally over a million of them! I followed an article that showed the steps for How to Sync Any Folders Outside /Dropbox.

It works great and now all my files are being backed up. The problem is, I have no control over the sync order, Ive read that the smaller files are being synced first. But it could take awhile before the drafts Ive uploaded today are synced....

Awhile back, Dropbox added the features to upload files to a specific folder. So I decided to use that feature to upload the draft I needed to send to my client.

If you hover over any file in Dropbox, a "Share" button will display.

Click on"Share" and youll get a dialog box where you can enter the email addresses of who youd like to share the file with.

Type in their emails, and click "Share." Presto! You have successfully bypassed the synchronization order set by Dropbox.

go to link download